

So I been gone for a min, but I finally have the internet up and running. Praise God...all day everyday.. But look, look, look whats out.. I LOVE IT!! I need this album to drop ASAP.


Couple things I've been forgetting to say

must listen!


TAYLOR GANG!!!!! Check out my man Khalifa "favorite show" ft. boggz boggetz

ok moving on


Ok, hands down these stud and piercing adorned headsets from his Fall 09 collection.......UH, DISGUSTING. They are absolutely beautiful, and beyond the fact that they are headsets, they become a nice earring too. In Love!!

David Koma

via pocketfullofpaper,sixsixsick, and i'instantmagic


Its that time again

UHHHH!!!! So, its back to school. Im trying my best to stay away from the dreded "S" word already. Yup, stress! I love school and everything thats going on in my life, so why stress. Ill be leaving to go back to the city on Thursday, praise the lord. Although im really going to miss miami, all my friends, family, the beach, etc. When I come home, I cherish every moment and when I'm away..I'm in heaven, so what is a poor girl to do.

This time around I must say, Im alot stronger and more prepared then I've ever been. I hoping this semester will bring an adventure..more friends, knowledge, and love..lots of it from everyone and the universe.

XOXO erykah<3