on the dome today
fake friends
Although sometimes we may all feel that all the people around us there for us, they are not. many of us do not see it until it is to late. on everyones journey and quest we call life, we have to come across these wolves in sheep clothing. here i have posted a video i ran into..lol..on my never ending internet browse for new info. these guys made me laugh, yet they have a bit of a point.
on the dome today

After being one of the most anticipated albums Beyonce’s “I am….. Sasha Fierce” is one that Beyonce fans will enjoy, and all the other may just feel was overrated. At a time when artist like Kayne West and Lil Wayne sing on every track, is it possible for R& B to still be true to itself?
Deciding to make this album more personal, Beyonce took the route to create a duo disk album. “I Am” the first and the softer Mrs. Carter. It seems to show the more intimate nature of the ladies and shows quite a range with what Beyonce can do with her voice. And then there’s the “Sasha Fierce” the album created based off Beyonce’s alter ego. Shouldn’t every woman have one? Jam packed with the vibrant and electric tracks that we loved from B’s last album “B-day”. With songs like her single “Single ladies”, “Video phone”, and “Diva” Beyonce again is sure to have women everywhere acting little cockier then before.
Now although Mrs. Carter could have just rolled all these tracks onto one Disc, she didn’t and only she knows why. The album is not that bad and isn’t all that great, but it’s a good one. The lady at the top spot is starting to become comfortable it seems. Sounding a lot like the Pop music scene like Brittany and Christina’s new singles, although no comparison she may just be ready to make music for herself.
You can be the judge of that……
Download Diva and Single Ladies
JT- new single
Pop junkies and dancers every where will be glad to blast this song to just about everything, that is if they havent already.
JT (Justin Timberlake) has brought us back to his jazzy, hip hop influenced beats and has even introduced the world to the new voice of myspace talent Esmee Denters. If you were one of the ones tuned into TRL's last show then you know exactly who she is, if not then you will. The small town girl from Oosterbeek, Netherlands has a big voice and she helps him blow up this track.
You be the judge..check out the single premier on myspace or download the track. "Follow my lead"- JT feat. Esmee